ODETO.A의 작업들은 사람과 공간에 담긴 이야기, 건축적 언어를 통해 세상에 전하고 싶은 가치에 대한 고민으로부터 시작한다. 일상에서의 사소한 것들로부터 건축과 도시, 사람과 삶에 대한 문화, 사회적 현상을 탐구하고, 보이지 않는 가치들을 실제적이고 경험적인 대상으로 치환하려는 시도를 하고자 한다. 또한 건축의 영역을 건축물, 공공예술, 디자인, 전시, 오브제등 분야로 확장하여 작업의 다양성을 추구한다.
ODETO.A는 공간을 상상하고, 구축하고, 경험하는 일련의 과정들을 탐닉한다. 건축적 상상의 실현에서 오는 즐거움을 그 과정속의 모든 이들과 공유하려고 한다. 그 새로운 관계맺음에서 비롯되는 선물같은 경험이 모두에게 다양한 의미로 전해지길 바라는 마음으로 작업하고 있다.
ODETO.A is an architectural practice founded by Heewon Lee and Eunju Jeong in 2016.
ODETO.A focuses on the narratives of people occurring in the space to initiate projects. We interpret these into our own architectural methodology to convey experiential values to our society. Our objective is to reveal these values through our intangible and tangible works.
ODETO.A explores a wide range of topics from individual to urban social/cultural phenomena. This philosophy is embedded in everything we design such as buildings, interiors, furniture, public arts, and exhibitions. We follow and respect the process consisting of the beginning of the imagination and the end of the experience. We believe that these gift-like-experiences should be shared with all those involved in this process.
Heewon Lee, KIRA, Principal l 이 희 원
Heewon Lee received his Master of Architecture from University of California, Berkeley after received a Bachelor Degree in Architecture from University of Seoul. He is a registered architect in Korea, and a member of the Korea Institute of Registered Architects. He has been awarded Grand Prize in the Future Convergence Building of University of Seoul(2019) and the Heritage Tomorrow Project 4 for Young Architects(2014). He previously was an associate curator in the 2019 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, and has lectured at Yonsei University, Hanyang University, Junglim Foundation, etc. he is currently a Public Architect for Seoul, Daejeon and teaching as an adjunct professor at University of Seoul.
Eunju Jeong, KIRA, Principal l 정 은 주
Eunju Jeong received a Bachelor Degree in Architecture from University of Seoul. She is a registered architect in Korea, and a member of the Korea Institute of Registered Architects. She has been selected as a winning proposal for Future Convergence Building of University of Seoul(2019), Grand Prize in the Heritage Tomorrow Project 4 for Young Architects (2014), Honorable Mentions in the Korean Architecture Award (2010). She previously lectured at Hanyang University, Junglim Foundation and currently was appointed a Public Architect of Seoul.
Jaewon Shim l 심 재 원
Junsu Shin l 신 준 수